
Environment variables in Hotglue allow you to dynamically configure various settings that your ETL transformation scripts can utilize. This enables easier maintenance and scaling of your integration tasks. Commonly, environment variables are used for API URLs, export formats, and other dynamic settings.

Accessing the Environment Variables Setting Page

  1. Log in to your Hotglue account.
  2. Navigate to the Settings tab on the sidebar.
  3. Click on the Environment Variables option.

Adding Environment Variables

To add an environment variable:

  1. Navigate to the Environment Variables setting page.
  2. Add a Key and Value for your variable.
  3. Click Save to create the new variable.
  4. You can always click the ✎ pencil icon to edit an existing variable

Default Environment Variables


  • Description: Defines the default export format for all ETL transformation scripts.
  • Accepted Valuesjsoncsvparquet

Usage in ETL Transformation Scripts

To use environment variables in your ETL transformation scripts, you can utilize the os.environ Python library as shown below:

import os

api_url = os.environ.get('API_URL')

Best Practices

  • Naming Convention: Use all upper-case letters and underscores to define variable names (e.g., API_URL).
  • Default Values: Always include default values in your ETL scripts for environment variables when applicable.
  • Validation: Implement validation checks in your ETL scripts to ensure that environment variables contain expected types and values.
  • Consistency: Use consistent naming and value types across multiple environment variables to make the system more intuitive and easier to manage.